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Indian Gooseberry and Honey – Fight Anemia

Indian Gooseberry is abundant in Vitamin C and helps in iron absorption. Consuming Gooseberries soaked in honey on regular basis increases the red blood count and thereby prevents anemia.


  • Indian Gooseberries (Bigger)
  • 1 Cup of honey (approx. 300 g)


Wash and pat dry the Indian Gooseberries. Now, prick or slice the gooseberries and put them in a jar. Fill the jar with honey and cover it with a cheesecloth. Keep the jar under sunlight for 4-5 days. Leaving the gooseberries in the sunlight allows the water to leach out and make the honey a little watery.

PS: Always use pure raw honey from a reliable source. For the above-mentioned home remedy, we would recommend you use Raw Forest Honey from Kodaikanal hills