Home / Mangrove Forest Honey

Mangrove-forest-honey-Sundarban-Woody- Sweet-250g

RS 525.00



Sourced from deep interiors of  the Sundarban Mangrove forest, West Bengal which is one of the world’s largest mangrove forest. This wild honey is extremely sweet and collected by honey gatherers or Moulis who depends on sundarban forest honey and wax for a living.

This honey is also called as Blood Honey because the risk of death is quite high due to bengal tigers in these region.

Look and Feel: Mangrove honey is thinnest by nature

Tasting notes: Mangrove honey has a strong woody taste.

Color: Dark brown in color.

Usage: Mangrove honey has excellent application for BBQ and baked foods.

. This honey goes well with green tea. Our honey is raw – our moisture curing technique mimics the way bee themselves remove moisture by swarming and fanning the hive. It is unprocessed – we do a single filter versus the industry standard of triple filter that completely removes all pollen.